Three sisters
“Three Sisters” is a performance that talks about the great women of the Baltic-Nordic countries. Of their tenderness, strength, convictions and fears. The mysteries unfold in reality and disappear between heaven and earth. There is no right or wrong, no good or bad, a woman is just flesh and bone in the veil of sisterly love.
The project is based on aerial disciplines (hammock, hoop) and handstand/acro-dance combined with witty comedy, spiced up with social criticism and danced away by folk songs and stories of epics. While creating the show the team researched old nordic traditions about marriage, women’s role in the household, what type of a woman was desired during the old times and how has it changed (or not) these days.
The performance was first developed for an aerial installation by Lizeth Wolk (EST), Grete Gross( EST) and Noora Pasanen (FIN) in 2018. The show was then set aside until re-created with Ghia Lumia (FIN) in 2020 Summer. Since the rehearsal period has been short and the group has been lacking resources for further-developing the show, the group has now been looking for funding and residency possibilities to go deeper into the research of folk stories and traditions, role of women in Baltics in 19th century and comparison with Chekhow’s play “Three Sisters”. The team also aims to work on live music for the performance and create an indoor version, working on the light plot.
Meet the team
Grete Gross was enchanted by the discipline cloud swing/aerial hammock. It is with this circus attribute that she spreads her wings and shows how to take advantage of gravity. Grete is the mouthpiece of Big Wolf Company. She is extremely productive and makes the projects roll like snowballs. In addition to good lobbying, Grete is also a good motivator in training and other difficult situations. But when it comes to handicrafts, Grete is not the right person to handle such things.
Lizeth Wolk's home has become aerial hoop / lyra / ring. She is fascinated by the simple but complex nature of this circus instrument and the opportunity to grow the ring into a new limb.
Lizeth is the sober mind of the Big Wolf Company, she is specific and deals with misunderstandings and stupid situations. Her positivity does not allow the mood to go down during dry training hours or too serious meetings. Lizeth has also saved the day with her sewing skills - many of the performance costumes have been made by her hands. However, her weakness has become writing official letters... the girl can't logically line up the words.
Ghia Lumia Fieandt joined Big Wolf Company in 2020 to be the third lost fairy-like sister. Before discovering circus, Ghia would mostly be found in water, diving or doing other kind of watersports. The water-like flow is something she has taken into her creation as a circus artist, doing dance acrobatics, partnering and hand to hand, contortion & handstands, banquine and group acrobatics. Her sincere joy and laughter, her musicality and creativeness in movement bring variety into the group. Ghia is the person to knit together the movement flow of the show, but don't leave her hungry for too long since the fairy might turn into a devil then...
Big Wolf Company is Estonia's first professional contemporary circus troupe. Founded in 2015 by Grete Gross and Lizeth Wolk, when the creation of the play "Eternal Dinner" began.
Big Wolf Company has been active in introducing the relatively new art form of circus to Estonian audiences, developing the local circus scene and representing the Baltic circus community abroad.
Joining forces of versatile artists, Big Wolf Company creates performances for every taste: from stylish retro comedies to touching solo productions. The troupe moves towards a common goal, to make the whole Estonia fall in love with circus and to make the international circus world fall in love with Estonia.